Monday, October 31, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 31

Day 31

Halloween II (2009)

Ah, Halloween. The quintessential movie for the day...of Halloween. This Rob Zombie remake has a darker take of the original film, but it really works.
The movie begins where the last leaves off, after Laurie kills Michael Myers (please, if you didn't know that, you are our of touch). You also know that Michael never really dies....hence the remakes and sequels.
What's different between the 1st Laurie and the 2nd is the dark turn in her personality. I guess if I survived a crazy blood bath, I might be a bit more hostile and reliant on prescription drugs than I would have been.
Gorey, like the original remake, and grittier. Just like it should be. The ending was interesting and creepy and it makes me wonder....might there be more Halloween movies from our dear friend, Rob Zombie?
Thank you for following me for the last month as we relived or investigated for the first time the fun, fantasy or fear of Halloween. :-)

1 comment:

Andy P said...

Great Run of Movies! Heres hoping "Joy Ride" makes the cut next October. Solid work Redmond.