Saturday, October 15, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 15

Day 15

Dracula (1992)

There is nothing wrong with vampires (says the girl who's been into vampires since before she can remember....long before Twilight). Vampires can be good and evil. Vampires can be soulless and can care for those around them. Vampires can walk amongst the living during the day and creepy along at night.

Bram Stoker's Dracula, which was directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is a lovely mix between the light and the dark side of vampires and it is done in such a beautiful way, its hard to think of it as a horror film. It is and it isn't all at the same time.

Its a marvelous cast, apart from Keanu Reeves as Jonathan Harker. Its in his younger days and I don't feel he had outgrown his Bill and Ted ways very much yet. Gary Oldman, who like Johnny Depp, is an acting master. He too has yet to receive an Oscar for his phenomenal skills, but I hope one day he might.

Anthony Hopkins is also a genius and I feel his carefree take of Van Helsing is refreshing (especially after re-watching Van Helsing with Hugh Jackman). And the creepy and insane Renfield (watch the bug scene) is played by Tom Waits. Side note: check out that man's career. I have always been drawn to his musical side, but check out his acting. Quite good in my opinion.

And a quick shout out to Billy Cambell and Cary Elwes who are each in here, much younger, as Lucy's suitors. Those are fairly interesting scenes. Another side note: Richard Grant, who plays Lucy's other suitor, Dr. Seward, is the voice of Lord Barkis Bittern in Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride. I love that character!

Anyway, the overall movie has so much to over: a period setting, great costumes, interesting back story, interwoven story lines, sensuality and a lot of blood. I do enjoy the letters, journal entries and other time keeping dialogue that they employ in the movie. I like it specifically because it is very true to Stoker's original novel (I read it back when I was in high school). If you haven't read it...please do. It can be long, but if you enjoy vampire stories like I's the original! ;-)

Similar Movies:

Interview With A Vampire (1994)
Dracula (1931)
Twilight (2008) - had to put that in ;-)

Up Next

Young Frankenstein (1974)

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