Monday, October 17, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 17

Day 17

Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Ah, claymation. My mother hates it. This is actually one of her least favorite movies...ever. I can't remember if its the claymation she doesn't like...or the story...but every time I mention this movie or watch it, she makes a comment.

Its ok. Having grown up around the time of the Christmas claymation stories (Rudolph, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, The Year Without A Santa, etc) I guess I just grew up liking those kinds of movies. But, I can understand if people don't like them. They can be choppy and unbelievable. Even in Nightmare, you can see the strings of items that they needed to make fly but couldn't do it without the fishing lures.

This is a great movie musical...and I think Danny Elfman does a fantastic job with the music and the lyrics. Creepy and Christmas-y...pretty impressive (no, not traditionally at the same time). You can keep the songs in your head and they are great to sing along to (I have the trust me on this).

To me, Jack Skellington is a great Disney character. Sure...he's a skeleton, so he's kind of creepy. But he wants to take over Christmas and do it their own way. How cool is that?! He just wants a change in his life. What Disney story doesn't? Look at The Little Mermaid, Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast. Each of these stories have a main character that wants something different for themselves, claiming that there's something bigger and better waiting for them...and they find it.

In Jack's case, he finds it...but is doesn't go the way he would like. He ends up almost ruining Christmas and as Jack's enemy, the Boogie Man, locks Santa looks like Christmas might be gone for good. Can Jack save the day?

Of course....but you can check it out for yourself!!

Similar Movies

The Corpse Bride (2005) (coming so can taste it!)
Edward Scissorhands (1990)
Sleepy Hallow (1999)

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The Corpse Bride (2005)

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