Friday, October 21, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 21


Day 21

The Mummy (1999)

This may not be the first film that comes to your mind when I say the words Halloween or horror, but the original film with Boris Karloff, back in 1932, was more of a horror film, especially for the time.

This version focus's on those trying to get away from the mummy, rather than the mummy himself, as in the original. A librarian, itching to make her niche in the Egyptian history field, joins a former soldier (and ex-con) along with her brother, in seeking out the city of the dead. Along with a group of Americans looking for the same thing, they release an ancient mummy bent on releasing the 7 plagues of Egypt and bringing his lost love back from the dead.

I love all of the CGI moments in the 1999 as I feel that CGI was really starting to come into its prime at the time. How they were able to work on the mummy's regeneration was fantastic, rebuilding him piece by piece, but still leaving sections of him missing. Pretty cool if you ask me. Also, making the plagues happen (I particularly like the flies coming from the mummy's mouth).

I think this movie is made by Jonathan, Evelyn's brother, who is basically just a waste of space. He's got great comedic timing and is played tremendously by John Hannah (of Four Weddings and a Funeral). The chemistry between Rachel Weisz and Brendan Fraser is very believable. I enjoyed their 'drunken' scene together (or rather her 'drunken' scene with him). I think its one of the most lighthearted scenes in the movie...which was rare considering the mummy is killing everyone and sucking the lives out of them. Fun times!

Similar Movies:

The Mummy (1932)
The Mummy (1959)
The Mummy Returns (2001)
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008)


The Addams Family (1991)

Addams Family Values (1993)

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