Sunday, October 30, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 30

Day 30

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

After a movie like 28 Days Later (2002), why not have a bit of fun. This movie is enjoyable because it is farce on all of the great zombie movies: Night of the Living Dead (1968) and Dawn of the Dead (1978). Each great movies in their own right...and what 'Shaun' delivers is greatness too. Just in a different way.

Mild mannered Shaun steps into the hero shoes as England becomes overrun with zombies. With the help of his best mate and ex-girlfriend, Shaun battles the dead and helps save the day. Classic. What gives it a twist, is the antics.

One of my favorite bits is the day after the zombies appear, Shaun is walking through the neighborhood on his normal route and nothing is normal. Everything has gone to hell and he's not noticing a damn thing. The blood on the cold case is great and I love that he's oblivious to it.

The characters are great as well. Simon Pegg is fantastic as Shaun and I do enjoy his friend, Ed, who is just a lazy s.o.b. who plays video games all the time and spends most of his remaining time at the local pub.

Overall, fun movie...especially after quite a few serious ones.

Similar Movies

Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Up Next

Halloween II (the FINAL MOVIE of 31 Days of Halloween!!)

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