Saturday, October 8, 2011

31 Days of Halloween: Day 8

Day 8

Rosemary's Baby (1968)

I'm getting to my overall review early. Overall, I was extremely disappointed. All my life I've heard nothing but horrors about this movie and I don't know if it was the hype of everything that let me down or the movie.

Mia Farrow withering away due to the unknown baby inside her, that is harming her on the inside and making her look like more of a skeleton than she already was, was pretty decent. The ritual scene that got her into that situation was weird, but not creepy...not even the weird satanic creature taking advantage of her was scary. Just odd.

I will say that while the final scene of the movie was weird as well, the creepiest part of the movie came at that point, where Rosemary was rocking the cradle holding her and Satan's child with a content smile on her face. After fiercely rejecting the child for how it look initially and she found out its origins, she comes forward to actually mother the child.

The whole movie just fell flat. Completely flat. They could have at least shown a shot of the abomination...but nope.

Similar Movies:

Blessed (2004) (thanks to Andy P. for the suggestion)

Up Next:

Scream 4 (2011)

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