Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saying Goodbye :-(

Well, Friday was Sara and Anna's last day at work. I had worked with Sara since I started 4 years ago and of course, Anna had been with me since Labor Day for her year-long apprenticeship.

I decided I would make them each cupcakes and I kind of gave them a say as to what kinds. Well, I gave Anna a say. She chose my Irish Carbomb cupcakes. You can check out that post here.

I decided for Sara that I would make her some Mickey Mouse Cupcakes. I had made her Mickey & Minnie Mouse Cookies for her birthday (here's that post) so I thought the cupcakes would be cute. Luckily she agreed. :-)

I was up to my elbows in different batters. I ended up making two dozen of EACH cupcake, so having to frost 48 cupcakes wasn't really a thrilling thought at 10pm at night (really midnight when it was all said and done).

Sara's Mickey cupcakes were easier to make, but time consuming to decorate. I made a chocolate cupcake with a simple whipped vanilla frosting that I tinted. Then I added yellow frosting buttons and mini-Oreos for ears.

Anna's was the chocolate-Guinness cupcake, with a chocolate-Jameson ganache and a Bailey's buttercream frosting. I used more Bailey's than powdered sugar in the frosting, so it was thinner than the last time I made it. It still tasted good.

I was happy how they came out and while I wanted happy that they were leaving, I was happy I could do this for them.

I'll miss you both!!!!!

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