Sunday, March 7, 2010

And the winner is...Don't I know you? this blog entry is about two things: award show changes and doppelgangers.

I had a rare experience tonight at dinner with my roommate. We had just gotten our drinks and a waiter (not the one currently serving us) came up to me and said "I know you from somewhere, don't I?"

Uh, no. I had never seen him before. He insisted that he did but I politely said that I had never met him. He seemed a little taken aback and disgruntled, but he walked away.

We were then working on our salads when another guy walks by our table and looked over, saw me and waved, saying "hello." I looked at him like he was crazy. Then he looked closer at me and apologized saying "oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else."

Who is my doppelganger and where was she tonight when I was getting the attention?

Ok, topic number 2:

I am currently watching the Oscars aka the Academy Awards. We tuned in late, due to our dinner out, but we came in at the Best Supporting Actress award. When Robin Williams came out and announced the nominees nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then he said "and the winner is." I had been waiting for "and the Oscar goes to." But no, they had to change the phrase.

So I continue to watch, thinking that maybe Robin Williams made a mistake, but the next presenter said it. And then the next. And the next.

I can't understand why and I really don't have much beyond that to say.

It's just plain weird. Why change something like that?!

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