Monday, March 22, 2010

Run [Insert Name] Run!

Well, it was back to the grind today.

I was up at 5:30am, to be on the road by 6am, to be at the gym and on the treadmill by 6:30am. Good thing I'm a morning person.

Other than the fire alarm being activated about 5 minutes into my run, the gym experience was a good one today.

I did a thirty minute run (would have been forty, but since I spent ten minutes outside in the cold during the evacuation, I cut it short). The run itself was a little painful for me to get back into the swing of things. Unlike the race last week, the first mile and a half was good, but the last mile and a half were a struggle for me. I started to lose my pace and it hindered me a bit. Luckily I got it under control for about the last half mile. Not great, but not awful; 3 miles in 30 minutes flat.

I then proceeded to the rowing machine (something I haven't done since high school) and proceeded to work out there, followed by a ton of crunches. I'm sure my body will have some unkind words for me in the morning when I wake up and do it all over again....

An interesting side effect of today's workout was a very chipper attitude from me and an extra pep in my step. Now, I consider myself a fairly rambunctious person, but since I got my injury a month ago and had to stop running, I felt myself draining from work load and lack of energy. But damn, if that energy wasn't back in full force today! I was bouncing around, laughing more than I felt I had, just in good spirits. I even decided that I would have a more positive outlook at work. Pretty impressive for one work out session.

However, I'm currently dreading my alarm tomorrow much for being that morning person, right? Until then...

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