Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Been One Week...(do you have the song in your head like I do in mine?!)

At 9:30pm tonight I hit the one week mark for my injury. Last Friday night I was doing a normal evening activity for me, which was to change into my pajama pants. Apparently on this night I was not to go about this and walk away normally...

No, I was to not walk away at all, but instead I was to crawl...

I stepped into one of the pant legs and apparently stepped wrong (somehow) and twisted my ankle effectively spraining it. I had a shooting pain towards the inside of my foot that I rarely experience, and I am experienced in busted ankles. I really should have a sign that says: Spraining ankles since 1995.

Anyway, I crawled out from my bedroom into the living room in hopes of finding my roommate to assist my klutzy self and lo and behold, she had just gotten in the shower! I'm lying in the middle of the living room floor, my foot propped up on my ottoman and tears streaming down my face because I can't do a damn thing about my injury.

After a quick text conversation with my boss about an awful hockey game that I was lucky I missed as well as how I needed to keep my foot elevated, my roommate finished her shower and came out to see me on the floor. Sweet as she is, she got me ice and made me stop crying because I was laughing at her pulling individual ice cubes out of the freezer one by one so she didn't mess up the nails she had just painted!

So after a long week of hobbling, limping, elevating, icing and pill-popping, I'm now on the road to recovery. What does this mean for my race in only two weeks?!?! Well, before I sprained my ankle, I registered for the race, so I can't get my money back. As long as I continue to recover, I'm going to attempted to run the 5K but probably not at my pace, which I'm ok with that.

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