Wednesday, August 17, 2011

City Who?

The drive-in represents a time long gone...or maybe not.

I was able to go to the local drive-in movie theatre that only reopened a few years ago and again, it was a wonderful experience. We picked up my former intern and nabbed a great space to see...wait for it....


What? Never heard of it? You think it's old? Why did I see it?

For those who have never heard of the movie, its a Billy Crystal movie about three friends who have an adventure of herding cattle from New Mexico to Colorado, while dealing with their own mid-life crises.

I had never seen it before, so that was one reason we chose this movie. And two, I was kind of on a time crunch. Scheduling between all of us was tight on when we were all available, so that limited our selection.

Honestly, I was very happy. Had a great day of bowling and dinner, prior to the main event of the movie and got to catch up with my girl Amanda! Not a bad day at all!

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