Thursday, August 18, 2011

Best Ice Cream...In New England

Ah yes. For those who have read my Blue Bell Ice Cream post were probably wondering by that title whether I had lost my mind or not. Not to fear my readers...I have not...but I did recently travel up north to visit the undeniable quintessential ice cream of the north: BEN & JERRY'S.

First of all, let me preface that this trip wasn't just for ice cream. No. It was to see my roommate at her summer gig in New Hampshire. But since a tour at the ice cream factory of her choice is only about an hour and a half away from her, we make the decision to have a day together!

Our journey begins on an early Saturday morning in August. The weather is great and the driving is even better. The first stop is the Vermont Welcome Center. I grab all of the pamphlets I can (why? why not?!) and then its back on the road after stretching my legs (and answering some work questions from the road).

We found the roomie on the side of the road. Just kidding. We met at a gas station so we could leave one car...but she was getting in ours. Why?

It was a convertible!!!

We arrive at Ben & Jerry's and take in the tragic Flavor Graveyard. Well...not tragic for me (as I rarely ate the ice cream) but it was interesting to see the flavors that bit the dust.

Beautiful site isn't it?!

This was our tour guide, Owen, the third best tour guide they had. (This was said by the ice cream dipper behind him). Lol.

Time for some pictures....

And why not some tie dye! Here Robyn is helping me with my quick change!

So after the tie dye adventure, we headed to nearby Montpelier to walk around and eat some tasty dinner, before heading back to New Hampshire to catch roomie's show!

The show was 'interesting' but overall pretty good for having been put together in 10 days. The best part was just getting to see and hang out with my Robyn! :-)

I did feel bad on our drive home...kind of fell asleep...leaving Andy to drive with no one to talk to...sorry!! But it was a great trip that I'd be happy to repeat!!

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