Sunday, January 23, 2011


"There are only two creatures of value on the face of this earth: those with a commitment, and those who require the commitment of others." - John Adams, in a letter to his wife, Abigail Adams

I have just made a HUGE commitment.

I have just signed up for 12 months of personal training. Oh yes...I said 12 months. Why, might you ask? Well, I'm great at starting to work out. I'm actually pretty fantastic at it. I have the urge to workout. I have the desire to get in shape. I start really strong and push myself. I feel great afterwards.

I have a great mentality at starting.... Finishing, on the other hand....well, its a different story. I fizzle out.

Injury and inconsistency are my biggest usually leads to the other (doesn't matter which, because they both are equally as damaging). So...the change begins now!

A personal trainer is going to help me not only become healthier and hopefully happier...but more accountable as well. I will meet with my trainer once a week every week, each month, for the next twelve months!! (Lord help this man or woman!)

I will have the commitment to continue...and I will need the commitment of my trainer to help me get to the finish line!

Now...if only my wallet could be in better shape...

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