Monday, September 22, 2014

New Television Lineups

Fall means a number of things:

1. Cooler weather
2. Halloween
3. School supplies
4. Orange, yellow and red leaves
5. State Fairs
6. Haunted Houses
7. Apple cider

...I could keep going...

So...what else does it mean? Fall = tv show premieres. Many of us wait all summer for our favorite shows to return so we can pick up right where we left off. Some of us also look forward to all of the new shows that have been added into the lineup.

For me, the shows I picked up last year were Hannibal on NBC and Sleepy Hollow on FOX.

This year, I'm hoping to follow a few more. Every Fall I make up a TV schedule for myself while I figure out what shows to watch. Yes, it sounds a bit I have nothing else to do but watch tv...and some nights, that is the case. But, I've always done this and it helps me weed out what I actually want to watch and what's just available.

So the nominees are...

FOREVER is an interesting premise. Henry Morgan is a Medical Examiner in New York City. He's also been alive for over 200 years. No, he's not a vampire, he's just cursed and he's trying to find out why. He can be killed, but he comes back...always in water (so, in this case, the Hudson River) and always naked. NICE! ;-) He starts to work with a Detective Martinez to help solve homicides and I really enjoy their banter. Not quite as quirky as in Castle, but more refined in a way. It's a twist on your standard detective drama. I shall be tuning into ABC on Tuesday evenings for this. Ioan Gruffudd isn't bad on the eyes and ears either. 

Next option is SELFIE, also on ABC. It is a modern take on Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. Most people would probably better remember the story as the musical, My Fair Lady. Even the names are the same: Henry, the man who decides to take on the seemly impossible task of molding a young woman, Eliza Dooley, into a better person. Now...this one is a possible. I watched the pilot and was skeptical about the idea. I love My Fair Lady and Pygmalion. I love the actors in the show (John Cho, from Star Trek and Karen Gillan, from Doctor Who) but the characters are missing some depth. It's about the technological age and how people are constantly attached to their phones. I will say that by the end of the episode I had a little tug at my heartstrings. I will give it another go and see how long I stick through it.

This next show intrigued me from the title first, HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER. I mean, who doesn't think about this? Oh, you don't? My bad. Here is a brief synopsis that I've found online: A sexy, suspense-driven legal thriller about a group of ambitious law students and their brilliant, mysterious criminal defense professor. They become entangled in a murder plot and will shake the entire university and change the course of their lives. Sounds entertaining to me. Let's give it a go! Plus...if I had Viola Davis teaching me, I'd be a happy camper. She's amazing!

SCORPION is a great show that reminds me a lot of a past CBS show, Numbers. Based on real people, this centers around a team of geniuses that is recruited by Homeland Security to help solve mathematical dilemmas, child abductions, stolen nucs and much more. Elyes Gabel is extremely convincing as genius Walter O'Brien, the leader of the team and I've always enjoyed watching Robert Patrick, who plays Agent Gallo, the man who recruits the team. So far, so good in my opinion. I hope it only gets better.

Of course, I still love my classics, which include ABC's Once Upon A Time and Castle. I can't wait for those to return next Sunday and Monday respectively. Ah, I've missed you!

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