Saturday, January 18, 2014

What Dreams May Come

I tend to have the most vivid, awkward, creative, intense, [enter additional adjectives here] dreams. Sometimes I'm apart of the dreams and other times I'm just an observer. I've had dreams about real people that I know or have heard of as well as fictional characters. I keep thinking, maybe I'll have a dream that I will want to write down and turn into a novel, which will make me rich and famous.

Hell, that's what happened to Stephanie Meyer with Twilight.

But the truth is, I really like my dreams. It's my escape from time to time. Now, I can't honestly say that I remember all of my dreams, but I do remember most of them. The main reason: they are very detailed. Go big or go home, right? Apparently, I usually go all out for my dreams. Also, not all of my dreams are just imagination. Quite a few have a purpose.

When I was in college and grad school, I didn't like staying up late to finish papers or homework. I worked much better in the morning, so once it got past 10 or 11 at night, I'd have to turn in and finish the stuff in the morning. The reason, I couldn't really function late at night. I've never been a night owl, so my brain would just shut down. When I would go to sleep, if I was struggling with a homework problem or how I should finish my paper, I would work through it in my dreams.  I'd wake up, immediately go to the computer just pound out the homework. It was always better than what I was working on the night before and it just worked.

Then, there are the drug induced dreams. Actually, I'd like to say that drugs (like over-the-counter/cold medicine-type drugs) affect my dreams, but I'm not enturely sure they do. I think I would have these dreams anyway. Here are four different dreams that I've had recently and you can be the judge.

Dream #1 (no meds): I had a delightful conversation with my neighbor (who I rarely talk to and don't know a bunch about...but I know enough to have this dream). We chatted about work and his band, yada yada yada. However, for some reason, I changed his accent and made him slightly foreign (totally not the case in real life). We were just sitting around and he came up to talk to me and it evolved from there. He asked me out (which is where I definitely know it was a dream...because that hasn't happened) and it was just a pleasent dream. I woke up wanting it to happen in real life (except the foreign accent...that's not him).

Dream #2 (on cold medicine): I ran into two college friends in the gym. They told me they were planning their weddings (though one is already married in real life and I don't believe the other is engaged). The gym suddenly transforms into a place for bacherlorette parties (I don't know if it was a resort or a casino) and I'm pulled into helping them. Then it became overwhelmingly Disney related. There were characters and themes and just Disney everywhere.

Dream #3 (no meds): I was in an episode of Haven. I took the place of the 'Audrey Parker' character, which I'm not complaining about because it meant I was interacting with the 'Nathan' and 'Duke' characters. It wasn't an episode I had ever scene before (as I was makign it up) but just like an episode, we had to solve a troubled person's affliction and figure out how they could live in society.

Dream #4 (on, this was just last night): I'd like to say this dream came in two parts. The first part, I was flying in a helicopter to get to my cousin's wedding. Very odd. I'm not sure which cousin (as I have two that are engaged), but I know I was going to one of their weddings. Then, it morphed into a British television and movie extravaganza. Lord. It began with James Bond. Bond and I were dealing with a few of his girls (as they were both bad). First up: Miley Cyrus. Yup, you read that right. She wasn't twerking, but she wasn't behaving. Anyway, we just left her behind on a train as we moved on. Then,  Famke Janssen (from X-Men and Goldeneye) was back. She was a bit of a mix of her Jean Grey character and her Xenia Onatopp (oh, Bond names) character. She was lurring Bond by saying she was cupid and would shoot our friends in the heart if she didn't get him. She led us to a room and there lined up like a firing squad: Sherlock, Doctor Who and Harry Potter characters! What?! She was done. We got her and freed our friends. But we couldn't let themleave because there was a ministry of defence meeting happening out back and apparently they would have to go through the meeting to get out. Then Voldemort appeared and he decided he would go bust up the meeting. I stayed behind while Bond dealt with him. And I began to ponder how I would write this down (yep...still dreaming).

Thus, why I'm writing this blog entry. Ok...maybe the drugs do affect me. ;-)

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