Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ice Cream Cake for Andy

Well, it was my friend, Andy's, birthday earlier this week, so in honor of that, I decided to make his favorite kind of cake: ice cream cake.

Let me preface this in saying I have never made an ice cream cake before...but overall it worked and I feel I could easily do it again. It's just time consuming.

I asked, very sneaky-like, what kind of cake he would want, what was his favorite ice cream, etc. Never at the same time, never really mentioning his birthday cake, etc. It took a lot of planning. :-)

Also, I had to think of size...I knew that since I was going to make an ice cream cake, I had to really think. If I made it too big, what would people do with the leftovers? You couldn't really take it home, and leaving it out for others to eat when they wanted was going to be out of the question. Also, a typical round cake was probably not going to work either. If you thought it was difficult cutting 30 slices of cake out of a round cake without it falling apart on you, try it with an ice cream cake. So, I didn't want to do that. That meant either a rectangle or square. A 9x9 square pan won out because I thought the 9x13 pan would be too big.

First, I made the cake. He chose chocolate, so I made the chocolate cake.

While the cake cooled, I prepped the ice cream. Using my handy dandy Cuisinart 2-Quart Ice Cream Maker, I put together a simple vanilla ice cream. It only took about 15-20 minutes.

But I didn't stop there. I discovered in my sleuthing that Andy preferred cookies 'n cream ice cream, so I needed to add cookies to the creamy ice cream. So, I chopped up America's favorite cookie: oreos!

I placed Saran wrap in the cake pan, followed by the finished ice cream (consistency of frozen yogurt...a little soupy) and topped off by the cake. Then I wrapped the cake up in the remaining Saran wrap and into the freezer for at least 2 hours. (I let it set overnight).
The next day, I took it into work (in the cake pan still to keep it super frozen) and left it in the freezer there again, for a couple of hours. Then, it came time to decorate! First, I needed to pull the cake out of the pan and removing the plastic wrap.

Next, I frosted the cake with icing...yum.

...and surrounded the cake with oreo emphasize the cookies 'n cream ice cream inside!

And the shape of the Green Lantern symbol...Andy's favorite super hero...

February was definitely birthday month for me, with Robyn and Andy each getting a customized cake from me....don't really know how I'll top them next year...or how I'll top upcoming birthdays for other friends! Yipes...better get thinking!!

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