Monday, January 23, 2012


Monday's are tough, schedule-wise, in our household. I work at least from 8:30am to 5:30pm and David is at work and in class from 8:30am to 9:55pm. This isn't the best for a little puppy who needs to go to the bathroom.

On any normal Monday, I could probably get away from work at lunch to head home, let Bailey out, play with her for a little bit while eating lunch, before putting her back in her kennel and heading back to work.

Unfortunately, this past Monday was not a normal Monday. I had a new cast coming in that was going to be taking up most of my day, so I wasn't going to get away very easily. So I enlisted Robyn to come and let her out, etc.

Everything seemed to be going fine. Bailey was let out, went to the bathroom, played with Robyn before being put back in her kennel. Robyn told me everything was fine when she left, so all was good.

I got home around 7pm and I walked in to this...

At first I thought Robyn and Bailey played, but for some reason she didn't pick up the mess. Odd for Robyn, since she cleans all the time. I could hear Bailey in the bedroom, where her kennel was...but then she came out to greet me!

She had Houdini-d out of her kennel and destroyed the place! I went into the bedroom to see what else had occurred. This is what I found...

Needless to say, after a quick chat with Robyn, we think the bottom latch hadn't been completely closed...thus Bailey being able to sneak through.

Overall, everything could be cleaned up. A few pairs of my shoes seemed to get the brunt of the damage.

Bailey is going to doggy daycare on Monday's from now on! :-)

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