Saturday, June 25, 2011

Feeling Good = Crazy Love

I had the privilege of recently attending a Michael Buble concert and it was one of the most amazing experiences ever. This was only my second concert in my life (Maroon 5 at my college was my first) and it definitely didn't disappoint!

For those who have never heard of Michael probably have and you just don't know it. He is a great showman and has an awesome voice (think Frank Sinatra, but hipper and more pop).

This Canadian performer was in town during the Stanley Cup Finals (particularly Games 6 & 7). I mention this because he being a Canucks fan enjoyed taunting the local Bruins fans plenty during the concert, which I found entertaining. While there were a few boos during those moments, the arena was constantly full of cheering. (PS...the joke was on him as the Canucks did lose...for those who don't follow hockey). He was also sporting a beard, which isn't such a normal thing for him (again, another hockey playoff thing).

Please enjoy the following videos and photos I have of the evening and come along for a musical journey! :-)

(Disclaimer...all these videos were not professionally you will clearly tell...and were for personal enjoyment for remembering an awesome night! Because of this, I apologize for the crappy quality, though the sound is good, and for some of the abrupt endings of the clips. I blame the iPhone. Enjoy!)

I had come into this concert knowing all of Buble's music. In his latest album, the first track "Cry Me A River" just cries out to be an opening number...and I was pleased to see that it was...

Throughout the evening, Michael would tell stories and experiences about becoming and being a performer. He mentioned that when he was younger he actually wanted to be an actor. Then he talked about how when he began singing, he wanted to be Michael Jackson so badly...which led to this performance...

As Michael introduced the members of his band, his comedic skills showed. But through it all you could tell that he really did consider these guys part of his family. He had a great moment while introducing his pianist (who also writes songs with Buble) in talking about how the pianist would come into his dressing room and help him warm up. The songs of choice (which he did demonstrate): "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey and "A Whole New World" from Disney's Aladdin. I kid you not. Both hilarious!!

With all of the new songs from his latest CD, I was thrilled that he also performed some of his older hits, like "Home" seen below... (ps...please notice how he takes a girls camera/phone and gives it to someone else. Earlier in the song he picked it up and sang into it and taped the crowd before giving it back. This time, he just took it.....and yes, at the end, he did give it back.)

Naturally 7, his opening act, came out and performed a few songs with him, which was wonderful, even collaborating on one of Buble's latest hits, "Hollywood"...

My favorite album is Michael's "It's Time" and I have a connection to many of the songs on it. One of my absolute favorite songs is the first track called "Feeling Good" and man, he did not disappoint. What I loved was that this was the beginning of his encore...and it was incredible.

The finale of "Feeling Good"

One of the last things that Michael did was one of the most breathtaking moments for me, especially as a singer myself. I wish I had gotten on video but it wouldn't have had the same I was so mesmerized by it. He closed his concert in front of his closed curtain, singing the last eight bars of "Song for You" a cappella and without his mic. Hushing the crowd with his finger to his mouth, his pure voice carried through the arena almost effortlessly. He commanded the room from the moment he stepped on stage and he held that intensity through the very last note.

Simply amazing.

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