Monday, September 13, 2010

Heeeere Fishy Fishy Fishy...

So, roomie and I have been prepping our new fish tank for about 2 weeks and now the day has finally come...WE HAVE FISH!

So with Mini Mount Wanahaukalougi bubbling away, let me introduce you to the newest members of the family...

First up, Tik (pronounced teak). Tik is a Dalmatian Molly and I named her after a former pet of mine, a Dalmatian dog name Batik.

Second is Edward. Edward is a White Sailfin Molly and I named him Edward for multiple reasons: he's pale white, ice cold (well, cold-blooded) and super fast! AND...I do have an obsession with the Twilight books with the pale, cold vampire named Edward...

Next, Mickey! Yes, in Disney's Mickey Mouse. Mickey is a Red Mickey Mouse Platy and is so named for the Mickey Head located towards the tail of his body. This is the first of Robyn's fish!

Last but not least....Minnie, of course! Minnie is Robyn's second fish and she is a Gold Mickey Mouse Platy. You can see she's Mickey, naturally!
So, these are our babies...and we love them already! Stay tuned for more fishy updates!!!

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