Saturday, August 14, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Almost one month ago, I was able to go with my best friend to Fenway Park. I had never been before, nor had he, so together we ventured to Boston for an afternoon of baseball.

We took the train in from a station in Massachusetts right to Fenway Park. Beats driving into the city and then finding parking. When we arrived at Fenway, I was overwhelmed. I didn't know which was to look. Vendors and shops selling food and sports items, along with the crowds and even bagpipers. Oh yes, I knew I was in Boston.

The game was Boston Red Sox v. Texas Rangers: two teams I hold near and dear to my heart. The dilemma: I am an avid Red Sox and Rangers friend = Yankees fan.
Oooooh. How would this situation come to pass, my dear readers, seeing as my buddy was entering 'enemy territory'?

Well, he said he would root for the Rangers while I would root for the Red Sox. He wore no Yankees memorabilia, but he was the only one clapping in our section for the opposing team (though internally I was too).

At one point, a guy sitting next to us, turned to him and said "you're a Rangers fan I see" (or something close to that), to which my friend replied something along the lines of "yeah I like them" or something similar. I had a moment of whispering in his ear saying "why don't you tell them who you really root for" and his reply: "do you want me to make it out of here alive?!"

Anyway, they were great seats. It was a great day. I was happy because no matter who one the game, I would be happy ( was the Rangers who won).

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