Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mark Twain Was Brought Back From The Dead By...


It seems to be the case. After receiving a phone at my office about another matter, I was also informed about this new addition to our lobby. Not really believing my ears I decided to see for myself if it were true or if someone was pulling my leg.

Really? Wouldn't you do the same if you were told "hey, the life-size LEGO statue of Mark Twain is in our lobby" ? I sure as hell beat feet over, and lo and behold, there he be...

When I saw "him" I was more stunned by his size, or lack thereof. I had to ask my boss how tall he had been in real life to determine if this was really 'life-size." Apparently, he was a short man in his life, and since the statue was just a tad taller than myself, I have to believe it truly is "life-size."

It is pretty cool to see this in person. The details with the LEGOs are intense (as you can see from above), but I must warn you. If you get close to "him" be warned that he is uber sharp! The LEGO edges don't give much and you can end up scraping your entire arm if you aren't careful., you can't pull "him" apart (though I did witness someone trying). The pieces are all glued together to ensure that it doesn't happened.

Can you imagine though? You walk in some morning to check on the sculpture only to find it in pieces (or maybe his head somewhere, and his limbs scattered through the lobby). I would not want to be in charge of 'humpty dumpty' at that point.

Good luck putting "him" back together again...

1 comment:

LisaBB said...

Tell me again why you were rubbing your arm up against the life size lego statue of Mark Twain?