Sunday, May 23, 2010

Change of Season

So, I know I haven't written here in a while and it's due to a number of things. Ready for the excuses?! Here we go:

1) I actually did have things to write about. I had pictures and stories for a trip down south in April. I was also going to discuss a gala that had happened. I then had tidbits from another trip to "the big city" as well. There were plenty of things to talk about...I just didn't. (Maybe I will at a later date?)

2) Things started to get they do, and so my time was spent between work and sleep. I should have been doing more in my life, but I didn't.

3) I don't actually think I have a number three, but how crappy is a list with only two items on it?

Anyway, today marks a 'change of season' in a way, so I felt I needed to mark it here. My roommate officially leaves me today for three months. Yes, I will probably see her a few times, but she won't be here everyday! I'm contemplating the loony bin since I might end up there.

I sit here in my room, before she even wakes up, thinking about when she packs up her car and heads out on her journey.

She's going to have fun and I'm very happy for her, but of course I will miss her, which leads me to start up this blog again. She's always the one pestering me to update the blog so she has something to while she's gone, I will try to be more diligent so 'she has something to read' while she's away!

This is for you! Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

PrettyBird said...

Yay! Thank you for writing something for me! And about me! I did enjoy it! Love you!
PS- Only 89 days more and I'll be home for good!
PSS- I may start my own blog about my summer and what it entails... just for you!