Sunday, January 17, 2010

Training: Week 2

Not much to report on the running front. My injuries seem to have taken a back seat this week, which I am grateful for. If I keep up a faster pace, my strides are longer and that relieves the pressure on my knee and ankle. So I'm currently increasing my endurance at the faster pace so I keep injury free!

Unfortunate news about this week was the I ended up getting a pretty harsh cold that knocked my training back a few days as I couldn't breathe well and my body was achy. I kept up my strength training as best I could at home, but the gym was out this weekend.

Stay tuned for next week's update!!

PS - See new races that I've added to my year of running:

O'Hartford 5K - March
IronHorse Half Marathon - June
Old Wethersfield 10K - August

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