Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Dopey Deferred

Well...today was the day. The day that I had been waiting for since last April. Today...the Dopey Challenge would go on sale for Walt Disney World's Marathon Weekend in January of 2015.

I had told myself last year when I found out about the races that I would do this in 2015. I had talked about it with friends, co-workers, random strangers (yup, I actually did that)...and I was building myself up for it. I even made sure to run a marathon in the Spring when I said I wouldn't in order to get my Proof of Time placement.

Then April hit.

As registration day grew closer, I started to doubt whether I should actually do the Dopey Challenge this year. I had been struggling with my options for the last few days in particular. My biggest worries were as follows (though not necessarily in this order of importance):

1) Money - Let's face it. Disney races are EXPENSIVE. A half marathon outside of Disney may run you $50-80 depending on when you register. A half marathon at Disney will cost you around $185 if you register right when it becomes available and will only continue to get more costly the longer you wait. AND this doesn't include airfare, hotel or even access to the parks. $$$$$. Dopey is $530 right off the bat. That's a lot of moolah to see fly out the door in one whack.

2) Support - I don't have a husband any more nor do I have a current boyfriend. I don't have someone that can say to me "sure honey, I'll come and watch you run these races" or better yet, "sure honey, I'll come run these races with you." Did I want to do all of the races by myself? Not really. Could I? Absolutely. But would I really want to? Some of my friends had expressed some interest in perhaps participating in a race or two (none of them wanted to join me for the full 4-race challenge) or just tagging along, but I really only got one full confirmation. And as much as I love her, would only one person be enough for me? I know, that sounds egotistical and selfish, but I was hoping for something that screamed camaraderie and honestly, I didn't really get that. And that's fine..I just don't think I realized until this week how much I want it. Disney is the happiest place on Earth and if I'm going to spend almost a week there battering my body, I want people there that I can spend time with and have fun with, even if I'm in pain. I want people there (friends and family) to cheer me on. I didn't think I would have that if I participated in 2015.

3) Health - Those who follow me on FB, Instagram, Twitter or just know me in general know that I'm breaking down. My body isn't what it was and all of my running is catching up to me. Don't get me wrong, I can still run and I still love to do it, but my body, while in better shape than even 2 years ago or even 1 year ago, doesn't bounce back like it used to. I had to wonder if my body would be in good enough shape to take on the challenge this year versus in another year of better prep, etc.

I went back and forth on my decision. I had the money, as I had been saving for it, and my tax return was going to basically replenish the massive hole in my savings from registering for the race. I knew I had at least one friend that was willing to go with me and even run a few of the races. And I knew with preparation and proper care, strength training and doctor visits, I could make it through physically.

But I was still on the ledge. I talked to a few friends about my thoughts and they gave my their opinions.

I watched Dopey go on sale this morning. And I watched as roughly 4 hours later, it was completely sold out.

I didn't register. I pondered, but I didn't flounder. Before the race went on sale, I had made the decision not to register today.

Will I be upset come January when I'm not there? Sure. I have friends who will be there and I won't be getting to see them. However, I knew I wouldn't be hanging out with them or even running with them, so I would have been lucky just to see them in passing. But will I be devastated to not be running this year? No.

Here's why: I'm going to take care of myself this year. I'm taking a few months off of training and will pick back up in July, as I had intended to do anyway for Dopey. I'm going to focus on the other events I have going on this year including 2 family weddings, a birthday trip for someone who is like a sister to me and another marathon in December.

I'm going to actively find my support team for 2016. I'm going to recruit friends and family and have them commit to a trip just like I'll commit to the training.

I'm going to do the Dopey Challenge one year. It won't be in 2015. Hell, it may not even be in 2016. But I know it's not going anywhere, and honestly, neither am I. I will do it one day.

So, I'm deferring Dopey...and I'm ok with that.

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