Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Best Stuff on Earth's not Snapple. It's BLUE BELL ICE CREAM!

That's right. I'm making a very bold statement...and I do know that those in the South would agree with me, as they have had the glory in experiencing this divine frozen creation. For those unfortunate enough to live in the North, where Blue Bell is not currently available, I shall explain...

Blue Bell Ice Cream is made in Brenham, Texas, which is outside of Houston. It is made with the best ingredients, and the best only...thus making the ice cream the best. It has a rich flavor without being extremely heavy in your stomach. It's just amazing!

Anyway, I recently came into possession of such amazing-ness this week (and by came in possession, I mean I ordered the stuff) and the electricity in the air when it was delivered was palpable. I had it delivered to work so ensure I could track its delivery and the reactions were great:

1) Those who knew Blue Bell were beyond excited

2) Those who knew it was coming, but hadn't tried it were excited

3) Those who were surprised by its arrival and hadn't tried it were excited conclusion, people were excited.

I took it home to get it into the freezer...and it fits so perfectly, like it was destined to be there. It is such a pretty picture, don't you think?

As a bonus, when you order ice cream to be delivered, do you know what they have to do in order to ensure that it remains frozen? DRY ICE! And one of the greatest things to do with dry ice....activate it!

I spent a great amount of time playing with the dry ice, as, well, why not?!

So now, the only issue is waiting, as those damn four containers (well, three, because the Banana Split was not my choice, nor do I wish to eat it) are tempting and I can't dig in until Sunday (aka tomorrow).

I've made it this far, what's one more day...right?

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