Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me...

This week was my 'birthday week' as deemed by a couple of people from work. And boy...what a week it was!!!

It all started with a trip to NYC with Andy! We drove down to New Haven to catch a train into the city. Once we arrived we had a few things to walk around and see before the main event of the day...

SO we headed to Le Parker Meridian...a high-end hotel near Carnegie Hall. They were having a Gingerbread Extravaganza and the theme this year: Movies In New York. Local bakeries created their renditions of some classics... West Side Story...

....or Ghostbusters...(check out that Stay-Puffed Marshmallow Man!!)

...and King Kong (whoa there....big monkey!)....

...and Andy's favorite....BIG!

We then headed out on our walk to Times Square....and saw a bunch of neat things on the way...

(those are some big ornaments)

(but damn...those are big lights!)

Once we got to Times Square...we visited the M&M store before heading to the main event...BILLY ELLIOT!! It was such an amazing show with great songs and awesome dancing!!
We then headed out for dinner (ps...really good) and then decided to go look around a little more...hitting the Disney store and then down to Harold's Square for Macy's...

I had never seen the windows at Macy's....hell, I'd never been to Macy's in NY.

Once we experienced Macy's (including heading up the 8 floors to see Santa Land)...I finally hit a wall...and we headed back to Grand Central to catch a train back home...

It was a long day...but an amazing one!! And definitely, a birthday I won't forget...ever!

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