Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Return

Wow. It has been MONTHS since I've been back to write something. Life was hectic, hectic and more hectic. When I had a free moment, I knew I needed to return but other things began to take precendent, like sleeping.

I finished up my year in Baltimore. I presented my thesis and graduated from graduate school. I returned to Asheville for my final season with the ballet. Now I embark on a new adventure in Hartford. Yes, Hartford, Connecticut. This is not the furthest North I have ever been, but it is now officially the furthest North I have ever lived. Truthfully, I like the city. It reminds me a great deal of Dallas, minus the cowboys. The city is fairly peaceful, not the bustling city that New York or even Baltimore are. And while there are things to do in the city (restaraunts, etc) the city really does shut down at night, like Dallas. Hell, its the Investment Capital of the US (if not the world).

My new job is one I hope to keep for the next few years and while I've found a roommate (cost of living is ridiculous here) who is very nice and I can't wait to live together, finding where we were going to live has been an adventure. Its funny. I under qualified for many apartments while I was looking for a one bedroom apartment. I understand that with my salary and the cost of monthly payments. What I don't understand is how am I overqualifying for the same complex now that I have a roommate in order to afford to live there!!!! Its CRAZY!!!

Anyway, I ramble. I am prepared to make this promise/vow. I shall return here as much as possible in order to convey my thoughts, feelings, ideas and whatever else may be running around in my head. It may be one of the only ways to keep me sane...

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