Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Saying Goodbye

I've kind of cried my eyes out this evening. I got a phone call from my mom as I was making dinner. She had sent me a few online messages that let me know something was up. As I answered the phone, she was trying to act casual, but I could hear her stuffy nose, which was a clue that she had a cold but that something was bothering her. I asked what happened and she started to cry.

She had to put our dog, Batik, down. Batik was almost 15 years old and a beautiful dalmation. She was always a "happy" dog and we always called her the "luckiest dog in the world" because we rescued her from a no-kill shelter where she had been taken to protect her from being beaten.

She had a good long and healthy life. I got to see her one last time this past Christmas and while I knew she was towards the end of her life, I definitely didn't think it would be as soon as this. She was going blind and definitely lost her hearing. Her hips were giving her trouble and apparently according to the vet, her vertabrae was beginning to colapse.

Apparently, she was fine this morning, but later today she had a stroke and my mom couldn't leave her like that. Of course, my dad was not in town, like we all had been taking bets on, so she called a family friend to help move Tik to the car. Batik was calm and went peacefully.

I loved her very much and I'll miss her tremendously. )-;

RIP Batik Redmond


Unknown said...

Awww I'm so sorry dear! That's terribly hard and sad. She is romping happily in doggie heaven with Paisley, Corey, and Brodie now.


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