Monday, September 10, 2012

Color Me Bad? No! Color Me Rad!

This past weekend marked the first race for me since my half marathon back in June, as well as my first race here in Dallas since moving back: the Color Me Rad 5K.

The race took place in Fort Worth, so Stephanie and I made a day of it. Our race time was 1:00PM, so we didn't have to get up super early. We met up at my apartment and headed out to the location.

It's still hot in Texas in September, so I was grateful we started in white shirts. It kept us a bit cooler until we started running. At that point, it didn't matter.

This would also be my first color run. I had wanted to participate in one back in Hartford, but it was during the last week of half marathon training, so I couldn't make the race. I was very excited to try it out. I had seen pictures from other races, but didn't quite know what I would be getting myself into.

Needless to say, it was FUN! Every kilometer or so we would get doused with another color. By the end, I was a human tie-dye shirt. Poor Stephanie got hit in the face with a massive amount of purple color right at the end. She was coughing and sneezing purple. We got back to the car and luckily we brought towels and she blew her nose in it. PURPLE was all that came out!


After the race, we headed out to get lunch. We were definitely a sight to be seen at the restaurant. The only good thing was that it was past the lunch rush, so very few people were witness to our madness. Our waiter even made a 'comment' about how I had something on my face. How original.


Once I got home, I realized it was probably best to hop in the shower to get all of the color off. It was hilarious to see that it made it through my shoes and socks!! I had colorful little piggies!

 Well, the first color run of my career was a success. Next up: DISNEY!!

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