Thursday, September 8, 2011

Attack of the Evil Sock Monkey...Cake?

My coworker, Emily, had her birthday this week and I knew I was going to make a cake her cake to bring into the office. And I already had my idea for it...

The inspiration came from a little sock monkey that we found in the recent office move and Emily adopted. I joked that I would make her a sock monkey cake for her birthday and the joke became a reality.

So how do you make this...

...into a cake?


Once I split the fondant apart, I needed to color have of it for the body of the sock monkey. My forearms were a little sore the next after all of that kneading! Separating the body parts was next.

Even the ears got special attention!

Honestly, the mouth was one of the most difficult parts, but one of the most fun to gave the monkey its best feature!

Then all the parts had to come together!

Isn't he cute?! What could make it better...

How about the hard hat of Emily's office nemesis...AT&T. I know they annoy her, but I wanted to make her smile at it because hell...a sock monkey wearing an AT&T hardhat? Even if you hate them, he makes it so freaking cute!

Add a homemade red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting and...

You have a great cake that everyone thought was great...especially the birthday girl...and I had fun making!

So....who wants the next one? I now take requests! ;-)


Stephanie said...

:O This is amazing! My friend and I have a joke about sock monkeys, so this is basically the best thing I've seen all day. {I don't get out much.}

I've been profile-stalking, and we like a lot of the same things. Like, a LOT XD


julievanscoy said...

What an amazing cake! Would be hard for me to cut into it!

Lauren said...

Thank you both for reading and commenting on my blog. I appreciate it greatly! I hope you keep reading!