Saturday, November 24, 2007


Well, this was the end of an era for me. This Thanksgiving marked the 1st time EVER that I spent Thanksgiving away from family. I'm sure I will have more too, but this was kind of a big deal. My 25th Thanksgiving and I wasn't with any family. Sure, I had the possibility of making it to family, what with some only an hour and a half away and some only six hours away. But this was about being on my own and it turned out great.

The Intern Potluck Thanksgiving was a hit. The food was piled high on the table, alcohol was plentiful and the company was great. We watched some football and then bad movies on tv. We ate....and ate.....and ate and just had an all around good time.

My contributions to the feast were:
Pumpkin Pie
Spice Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting (made from scratch!)
Pumpkin Bread
Gravy (yes, random)
and I helped with the Turkey (chopping veggies and prepping the bird)

On top of it all, I was able to see my classmate, her boyfriend, and my HANDSOME god-puppy! That's right, I said it...I have a god-puppy and I love him to pieces! He's gotten so big and slender and sleek and adorable and I could go on and on about him. He's wonderful and it was great to see him and his mom!! I need to go and visit them in DC!

I wish I could have been with family. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be...but I was grateful for the Thanksgiving I did have with all the wonderful people I got to share it with. That's what Thanksgiving is all about.

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